In the category of aliens eligible to acquire permanent residence status in Bulgaria, according to the migration act prevailing in the country include the following:
- born in the country or having Bulgarian origin;
- foreigners married to a citizen of the Republic of Belarus or a person permanently residing in the country at the expiration of 5 years from the date of conclusion of the marriage;
- minor children of Bulgarian citizens, as well as persons permanently residing in the country legally;
- parents and guardians of Bulgarian citizens, bearing material responsibility for their dependants, paying statutory content;
- investors national economy, the amount of investment in the economy should be at least 1 million Bulgarian leva;
- born in the country and not having Bulgarian origin, for any reason lost their Bulgarian citizenship, having own house in Bulgaria and wish to reside permanently in the country;
- family members of a Bulgarian citizen, continuously residing in the country for 5 years or more;
- foreigners who have made special contribution to the economic, scientific development of the country, as well as having special merits before the government in the field of sports, culture, security and technologies.
Amendments in the procedure for obtaining permanent residence
In addition, according to the amendments to the aliens act, migratory in RB, requires compliance with the following formalities:
- today for visa "D" as grounds for permanent stay in the country among other things you will need to present a certificate and a copy of police certificate and medical insurance;
- The criterion of "small investment", as the basis of a visa "D" and official status for residence in Bulgaria, deprived of normal activities and cannot be used for the registration of permanent residence;
- The extension of permanent status, in addition to the usual set of documents and information confirming the ability of paying taxes Bulgaria, requires the availability of health insurance;
- The change is reason to stay in the country, leads to the loss of residence permit, which must be considered when calculating the timing for obtaining permanent residence.
It is noteworthy that under the new regulations, foreigners who are not included in the five-year marriage with a citizen of the Republic of Belarus, which are major investors of the state, and therefore not plushie in the economy 1 million leva, but:
- within 5 years annually received permission for the extension of residence permit;
- don't leaveAli out of the country for more than 6 consecutive months;
- not out of the country for more than 10 months for the duration of 5 years,
then you can apply for permanent residency for up to 5 years, with subsequent extension.
The rights of foreigners for permanent residence status
Foreigners, with even secondary real estate in the country Bulgaria and living in it, on the basis of the permanent residence status, have equal rights to nationals of Bulgaria, with the restriction of electoral activity and job opportunities in government circles. Thus, persons in the permanent residence status can:
- to conduct business or to start her own business on the territory of Bulgaria;
- to receive education on equal rights with citizens of the Republic of Belarus;
- to get loans in the national banks of the country;
- to qualify for a pension;
- to issue Schengen visas without providing reason or invitations within 1 day.
The cost of making permanent residence
The cost of registration of permanent residence status in Bulgaria is largely dependent on the basis for the acquisition of permanent status. So, the fee for registration of permanent residence on the basis of security or guardianship of the child is a citizen of the Republic of Belarus will amount to 1000 levs, and Dachshund permanent residence based on marriage to only 150 lions. In addition to the standard fee of 1000 BGN to be added in the amount of 10 – 20 leva, which will go to the MVP or the migration Department for the transfer of money. Changing personal card at the expiration of the five-year validity period will cost 20 leva, with high probability there is a need to change the passport, without which permanent residence in the Republic of Belarus will not really (according to the rules the validity of the personal card shall not exceed the operational period of the passport). It should be recalled that the permanent residence permit in Bulgaria issued on the basis of previously obtained the status of residence permit valid for at least 3 years. The cost of extending the residence permit in the Republic of Belarus today is 500 BGN.